Life’s too short to feel stuck in trauma, conflict, or grief.

North Mountain Counseling is here to provide trauma-informed therapy to help you resolve, repair, and reconcile. We provide mental health care for individuals, couples, and families.


Family Conflict

You’re all at your wits end with each other, and explaining, yelling, and retreating don’t work. Family therapy looks at systems, patterns, and histories, to give each person clarity and direction with how to adjust and request for the sake of the family.

Couples Counseling

Whether recent betrayal or decades of attrition, finding the friendship and romance once cherished can feel defeating and hopeless. Couples counseling provides new perspective on old cycles and stories, allowing couples to find rejuvenated love.

Trauma Work

Trauma literally means “wound,” and psychological wounds are easy to numb and neglect—until they fester. Trauma work develops emotional tolerance, enables us re-narrate memories, and regains the dignity and boldness we each carry within.

Distance, silence, and contempt are often irreparable. But time has its own power, and remorse and repair can become possible. Reconciliation takes immense patience, humility, and wisdom, but the ruins can sometimes be rebuilt through humility and honesty.

Estrangement & Reconciliation

Conflict Resolution

Mediation is a shift of boldness to find a constructive way forward despite impassable disagreement. It requires decisive and radical acceptance, learning how to take a smaller loss in order to win a greater future.

Faith Transition

Faith development can look like evolution, but it also can look like revolution. This typically includes staggering internal and relational loss, and rebuilding security and hope is daunting. But reconstructing is never impossible.


Family/Marital Therapy
Family Systems
Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Dialectical (DBT)
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

Ready to get started?